Tropical Green Smoothie

Sweet, tangy and packed with nutrients, this tropic-inspired smoothie is a healthy and refreshing drink to start your day with. It contains a full serving of veggies and tastes just like piña colada! I personally struggle to eat a lot of leafy greens, so I find that green smoothies are the perfect way to sneak them into my system.

Making the perfect green smoothie

Here’s a few tips to make a delicious green smoothie, every single time.

GREENS – Dark leafy greens are superfoods that are rich in fibers and other nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Spinach is no exception to that, and actually has a really subtle taste compared to other greens, which is why we want them into our smoothies. But feel free to use your greens of choice; kale, Swiss chards, bok choy, romaine or micro greens… smoothies are so versatile! 

FRUITS – Frozen fruits are the key ingredients for a nice and creamy texture. Bananas make such a great base for smoothies, and combined with mangos and pineapple it creates a sweet tropical flavour that completely mask the green stuff. Other fruits can also work, but try to stick with green and yellow ones. If you start throwing berries or other dark fruits in there, you might be left with a not-so-green looking smoothie, although still delicious.

LIQUIDS – Any sort of non-dairy milk works to make a great smoothie. I personally use hemp milk from UFO, my favorite one. Juice or coconut water are also great options and they add flavor. If nothing else on hand, simply use water!

ADDS-ON – I love adding the juice of a lime or lemon in my smoothies for a tangy kick! For extra proteins, you can add hemp hearts, chia seeds, nut butter or your favorite plant-based protein powder. And although fruits are natural sweeteners, I sometime add a dash of maple syrup to satisfy my sweet tooth, as well as some vanilla.

BLENDING – When making a green smoothie, it’s best to blend in two stages. Although every blender is different, that usually helps getting rid of big leafy chunks, which I personally hate in a smoothie. First, start blending the greens alone with some of the liquid. Then, add the frozen fruits and blend again until smooth.

Tropical Green Smoothie

Sweet, tangy and packed with nutrients, this green smoothie is a healthy and delicious drink to start the day with.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast, Snack
Cuisine American, healthy, plant based
Servings 1 serving
Calories 200 kcal


  • A blender


  • 1 cup fresh spinach
  • 1 cup plant-based milk
  • 1/2 cup frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen mango
  • 1/2 cup frozen pineapple
  • juice of a lime (optional)


  • Tightly pack a cup of spinach and add to a blender.
  • Add some of the liquid and blend until all leafy chunks are gone.
  • Add the leftover ingredients and blend until smooth.
  • Poor into a big glass and enjoy!


Transform this recipe into a smoothie bowl by cutting in half the milk quantity. Add the thick smoothie mixture to a bowl and top with fresh bananas, mangos, shredded coconut, vegan yogurt and granolas.
Keyword green smoothie, healthy, simple

2 thoughts on “Tropical Green Smoothie”

  • 5 stars
    Ce smoothie est tout simplement délicieux! Le jus de lime ajoute une belle touche d’acidité; vraiment un bon changement du smoothie traditionnel aux petits fruits. J’aime y ajouter quelques épices, comme gingembre, cannelle, curcuma, avec ma poudre de protéine préférée, le RevitalX.
    J’aime tout de ton blogue: les belles photos, les conseils, les descriptions, et bien sûr les recettes. Merci de nous partager tes bonnes idées de recettes-santé!

    • Merci Lucienne, ça fait plaisir de savoir que mon blogue puisse d’être utile. Bonne idée, le curcuma. Je l’essaierai la prochaine fois!

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